Lett og frisk eple cider, nytes best kald eller med is. Ca alkoholprosent : 5,2% Settet inneholder flytende konsentrat fra eplerog Premium Cider yeast .
Du vil få ca 23l ferdig produkt med dette settet.
Til dette ekstraktsettet vil du også trenge i tillegg 1kg dextrose/sukker for å oppnå ønsket alkoholprosent.
Poor tasting beer brewed at home is now a thing of the past and everyone can enjoy craft beer they have brewed themselves, to their taste, no matter their experience.
Let us show you that learning to brew a decent handcrafted beer at home has never been easier.
Mangrove Jack's kits and brewing pouches combine quality ingredients, essential equipment and know-how to provide you with exceptional and economic beer, crafted and brewed by you.